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Dates on links are the approximate article dates


Ammon Bundy's Unopposed Motion To Extend Deadline for Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction dated 4/22/16.
Ammon Bundy's Enclave Clause Declaration dated 4/22/16.
Michael Emery Pretrial Release-information on that hearing on 5/23/16.
Joint Status Report Regarding Jail Conditions - Filed 5/24/16

Audio Tracks From Prison

This audio no longer available as website was taken down.......

FACEBOOK POST by: SSG Moe -Dave Bundy's wife sharing


Update from Dave Bundy's wife:

My husband called and informed me that he has been moved to Nevada Southern Detention Center. Which is in Pahrump, Nevada. 
He was very depressed about it. 
They woke him up this morning and told him to gather his belongings and he would be leaving. Dave, his brother Mel, Erik Parker and Jerry DeLemus were all transported together. 
He said the ride over was awful. 
Having his hands and feet chained for several long hours was terrible. 
He was also not able to take all of his belongings with him. 
He was so hoping that they would all be put together in the same pod but that didn't happen. Dave and his brother Mel cried when they seperated them. 
Below are examples of pictures of what Dave's room looks like. 
He gets to be in a room of 100 prisoners. 
He never leaves his room. 
He makes all his phone calls from this room. He eats in the same room. 
He showers and goes the bathroom in the same room. 
There are three TV's going on in the same room. How on earth is he ever going to experience any peace. 
This makes me sick. 
I feel so bad for these men. 
When I talked to Dave tonight he was very down and depressed. 
It was very hard to have a conversation with him over the phone because all of the prisoners were so loud. 
His living arrangement makes me furious. 
My husband is not guilty. 
He hasn't committed any crime, but he is forced to live in this room with 99 other men with no privacy at all. 
My husband should be home with his family. This should not be happening in America. 
Please write to Dave and try to uplift his spirits.

David H. Bundy 46088374
Nevada Southern Detention Center
2190 East Mesquite Avenue
Pahrump, NV 89060

Pictures of what the pods look like in this prison.....

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